Portfolio for Sean Hackett

Fundera Marketplace

From hackathon to product launch



Originally conceived as my Fundera hackathon project, The Marketplace aims to bring all of Fundera's new markets (affiliate) products into a singular experience for the user. Previously all the products were available on Fundera.com but were spread throughout the site, mainly on blog pages about a specific topic (ex. Free Accounting Software for Small Business will feature accounting products).

I saw an opportunity in the creation of The Marketplace to:

  1. Help small business owners with all they need to run their business besides money.

  2. Fulfill Fundera's value prop that they are "a comprehensive marketplace".

  3. Increase revenue. New markets products have generated $7M since Jan 2017.

  4. Make new markets users Fundera customers. 36% of our site visitors land on new markets pages but these are singular exchanges and most likely do not come back to Fundera. Not only that, but it is a signed out experience and so we can't gather any data on these users.