Portfolio for Sean Hackett

Fundera Internal Tools

AKA: Tree Trimming

  Introduction   Like any start up, Fundera had started as several people in a room cranking away on a product.  At that time there were no designers, just engineers.  So when sales or sales ops would need a feature for our internal tool, called Tree


Like any start up, Fundera had started as several people in a room cranking away on a product. At that time there were no designers, just engineers. So when sales or sales ops would need a feature for our internal tool, called Treehouse, they would 'throw it over' to the engineering team who would then build it.

This process worked at first because they just needed to get something off the ground. But as you can imagine this built up layers and layers of actions and features that became complicated or redundant. Our goal with Tree Trimming was to take all those layers, analyze them, deem what was necessary and then rebuild an elegant, seamless process.

In more refined terms, we wanted to "systematize processes to ensure higher quality apps sent to lenders to enable company scalability". In plain speak this means that as Treehouse got built out the UX and UI became too complex and less intuitive.