Portfolio for Sean Hackett


I used to make physical things but now I make digital things. And art. And sometimes I still make physical things.

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After years of working on fine art I transferred my 2D skills to 3D and graduated from Savannah College of Art and Design with a BFA in Furniture Design begining my career as a furniture designer/maker.

But life is not that simple and with the economic down turn in 2008-2009 I could no longer support myself solely from furniture. It was at this point that I decided to transfer my skills once again but this time to UX design. I have always felt that design is an umbrella and many disciplines can fall under it. At its core, design is problem solving and I liked that UX zeroed in on this even more and really focused on problem solving for people.

After spending several years as a UX designer for various agencies, I transitioned into a product designer role. I am passionate about being a 'designer for good' and actively seek opportunities with mission-driven companies dedicated to helping others.

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